Upcoming Events

Gardner Talent Show
Our entire school gets involved, as along with individual and group performances each homeroom has a song or skit to deliver!

Gardner Market
Our K-6 students work hard on their various projects, creating unique handmade goods to offer to the Gardner community. Adults are invited to come shop and to spend as much as they like! Students entrepreneurs have the choice of donating 50% or 100% of their proceeds to this year's student-chosen Non Profit Organization.

Community Book Swap
Our 3rd annual Community Book Swap has been extended to two days this year!
This free event is open to the public and is sure to be a fun day for the whole family. There will be story time led by local indie authors, a fun craft project hosted by Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries, and Bluum Coffee truck will be on-site with delicious coffee and tea selections!

Back to School Picnic
Welcome back to school picnic, featuring our new Parent Teacher organization - FROGS!

No After Care
Important reminder- there is no after care on the last day of school. Tumtum or Mazama students with siblings enrolled in K-6 can stay until pick-up time. Remember, the last day of school is a Wednesday, so school is out at 1pm for EC and 1:45pm for K-6!

K-6 Field Day and Last Day of School (NO Afterschool Childcare K-6 and EC)
Our K-6 students will have their Spring Field Day, with water activities, a tug of war, the popular shaving cream station, and popsicles. This is also our last day of school for everyone. Have a lovely summer, and we hope to see you at one or more of our Summer Camps!

Klickitat Commencement
Our 6th graders who are graduating and our 5th graders who are not returning in the fall will have their Commencement program at 2:00pm. Families are welcome to attend.
EC Field Day
Tumtum and Mazama have their spring field day! They will have outdoor games and sprinkler time (weather permitting), plus popsicles!

K-6 Celebrations of Learning
Our K-6 Celebration of Learning will begin with a brief program in the Great Room at 2:00pm, then transition to individual classes, ending at 3:00pm. Families welcome!

Mazama Celebration of Learning
Mazama's Celebration of Learning will begin in the Great Room and transition to Mazama, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Families welcome!

Tumtum Celebration of Learning
Tumtum's Celebration of Learning will be in the Imagination Playground and Tumtum, from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. Families welcome!

Loowit at the Zoo
Loowit found time to take one final field trip this year! They will be visiting the Oregon Zoo on Tuesday, June 4th, from 11am until the end of the day.

Wheels in School
The day has arrived to bring your bicycles, tricycles, and scooters to school to ride around the central garden during recess! Students must bring helmets to participate. "Wheels" can be dropped off at the beginning of school, and picked up at the end of the day.

Tumtum Parent Conference Days
Please watch Tumtum's homeroom newsletters for information about scheduling a parent conference for one of these days! Conferences will be held primarily in the afternoons, or other times upon request.

Loowit Visiting Bonneville Dam
Loowit will be heading out to visit the Bonneville Dam for part of the day. More information will come home from Teacher Cheris!

Mazama Parent Conference Days
Please watch Mazama's homeroom newsletters for information about scheduling a parent conference for one of these days! Conferences will be held in the afternoons.

Klickitat Estuary Service Work and Canoe Trip
Klickitat is taking a final field trip with the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership to perform some volunteer stewardship work around Salmon Creek in the morning and have a guided canoe trip from the Felida Moorage in the afternoon!

Loowit Overnight on Campus
Our second grade students will be returning to campus after dinner to play games with Teacher Peter, then sleep over in the Great Room! Teacher Cheris and Lisa will be staying over, and our parent volunteers will be cooking up breakfast for our campus campers in the morning! More details in Loowit's newsletter!

Parent Conference Days
Please watch your student's homeroom newsletters for information about scheduling a parent conference for one of these days! Conferences will be held in the afternoons.

Gardner Talent Show
Auditions opened right after Spring Break, and students are hard at work. Join us in the Great Room to cheer on our unique, impressive Gardner Talents!

Hike with the Head
Join us at drop off and take a walk down to WSU with our Head of School, Emily Davis. See the route the kids take when they explore the WSU trails, get some exercise, and enjoy a walk and talk with the head of school and other parents.

Wy'East and Kalama at the Oregon Zoo
Wy'East and Kalama are going on a Reading Buddy trip to the Oregon Zoo. If your student is in one of these classes and you're interested in driving and chaperoning, contact your student's homeroom teacher!

Tumtum at Holland America Tulip Farm
Tumtum students and their parents will be taking a tour of the Holland America cut flower farm, then picnicking at Horseshoe Lake!

"First" Friday Parent Social
The first Friday of April was over Spring Break, so we're moving the First Friday parent coffee social to April 12th! Join us in the Farmhouse for a cup of coffee or tea and a treat, and catch up with admin and other parents!

Wy'East at Audubon Marmot Cabins
Wy'East will be off on a fun three-day, two-night adventure to the Audubon Society's Marmot Cabins near Sandy, Oregon!

Picture Make Up Day
This day is a make-up day for any students who missed the fall picture day, or who have joined Gardner after that date, so we can include them in our yearbook! Please contact llinderman@gardnerschool.org for more details.