Gardner Schoolโ€™s Mission

To cultivate authentic learning through integrated experiences in a supportive community.

Core Values

As a non-profit school, we use our mission and core values to shape all aspects of the program. From our thematic-based instruction that inspires creativity and curiosity, to our experiential learning that inspires courage and connection, the learning at Gardner School sets students up for success for years to come.

  • Gardner students navigate obstacles with bravery and determination, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. They learn to advocate for themselves, each other, and their community.

  • We celebrate imagination and innovation, honoring different ways of thinking, learning, and being. Gardner students embrace the diverse talents and abilities of themselves and others, and find ways to express their learning in individualized ways.

  • We are a community where every member is seen and included, fostering an environment of belonging and acceptance. Acting with kindness towards others, ourselves, and our environment, we cultivate a culture of compassion and empathy.

  • At Gardner, students are encouraged to explore and wonder, fostering a love for learning that drives them to actively engage in their education. That spark empowers students to be critical thinkers and builds connections in the classroom and beyond.